Committees and Knowledge Communities


AIA Middle Tennessee committees and knowledge communities provide members with an opportunity to engage with their profession and to develop their leadership skills through volunteering. Throughout the year our active committees host events, socials, competitions, and more!


At the national level, there are 21 AIA Knowledge Communities which focus on different practice and interest areas. Click here for more information and to sign up for an AIA Knowledge Community newsletter.


Interested in becoming a local leader? Click here.


For more information, news, and events from a specific AIA Middle Tennessee committee, click to the committee home page below.

Active Committees & Knowledge Communities


  • AIA MidTN Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)
  • AIA MidTN Committee on the Environment (COTE)
  • AIA MidTN Committee on Design
  • AIA MidTN Emerging Professionals Committee
  • AIA MidTN Golf Committee
  • AIA MidTN Government Relations Committee
  • AIA MidTN Regional and Urban Design (RUDC)
  • AIA MidTN Small Project Practitioners (SPP)
  • AIA MidTN Technology in Architectural Practice (TAP)
  • AIA MidTN Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

Contact AIA Middle Tennessee

Need more information regarding AIA Middle Tennessee? Contact us today and a member of our team will respond in a timely manner.