COVID-19 Resources

Architects: Rise.

Problem-solving is in your DNA. You build hospitals, community plans, affordable housing – our world – by considering an infinite amount of variables, opinions and interests. Sometimes the project is so large that you collaborate with other firms, navigating complex business relationships to ultimately deliver a better solution. You weather legal threats, natural disasters and financial twists. Now it’s time to apply those skills in a unique and unprecedented way.


The COVID-19 crisis will end. Keep that always in the front of your mind as we roll up our sleeves and get to the work of today.


AIA is committed to equipping our members with the information they need to help navigate these uncertain times. Like you, we are receiving vast amounts of information that is changing daily. Sorting through and compiling the items that are most useful to you is our priority.


Explore COVID-19 resources


Keep Learning with Free AIAU courses for AIA members


Contract Documents COVID-19 Resources


Please help us by contributing your ideas and experiences. Email

COVID-19 ArchMap

The COVID-19 ArchMap provides information on health care facilities—including alternative care facilities—around the globe responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. AIA’s task force developed the map—in partnership with the Kansas University Institute of Health + Wellness Design—to help identify solutions to growing bed surge needs and to support the development of design best practices for alternative care sites that support pandemic response. Architects, designers, engineers and facility owners are asked to contribute current, in progress or completed COVID-19 projects—as well as collaborative initiatives addressing the pandemic—to AIA’s repository. Project information will appear on the COVID-19 ArchMap.

Take Action: Help Your Healthcare Heroes

The AIA Middle Tennessee Technology in Architectural Practice (TAP) group is reaching out with a huge ASK! If your firm has a 3D printer, you can join other local architects in powering up that machine to print face masks for our own hometown heroes on the front lines.


Get the files and directions for donating printed pieces.


This article discusses how other architects have teamed up to manufacture face shields to protect hospital workers treating coronavirus patients.

Use Your Influence: It Takes Less Than 30 Seconds

As architects, we are committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.  The COVID-19 outbreak and the current health crisis strikes at the very core of our mission. In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, members of Congress are debating additional measures to help those affected by this pandemic and to stimulate the economy.


If you would like to help in this outreach, please take a minute to send a letter to your member of Congress urging them to provide additional resources to those affected by the virus and for our frontline responders. Please ask them to include significant investment for 21st Century infrastructure and to provide temporary relief measures for business owners.

Share Your Wisdom:
Architecture Firm Best Practices, Resources & Templates

Communications and Temp Policies in Response to COVID-19


As architects scrambled to adopt policies in a rapidly changing environment due to COVID-19, the team at the Practice of Architecture saw a need to create a living resource to illustrate how firms are responding to keep their practices open, and what we can learn – quickly – from one another as a community.


We are in the process of gathering examples from firms of different sizes to demonstrate various responses in live time to changing operations of architecture firms all over the country. We are particularly focused on case studies that demonstrate communication and policy changes with staff and clients. We will continue to update this document as we receive new information, and will do our best to organize all best practices and templates by firm size.


This living document was started on Monday, March 16 2020 by Practice in Architecture in response to a simple tweet asking firms to share policies that they have already shared with their staff and clients

Apps to Work Remotely

  • Teams

    • Reduces email
    • Organized conversations
    • Document Sharing

  • Slack

    • Reduces Email
    • Adaptable to your team
    • Document Sharing

  • Zoom

    • Video conferencing
    • Ideal for online meetings/calls
    • Small to medium size groups

  • Microsoft 365

    • Easy access to files
    • Shared Drive
    • Online versions of Microsoft Office