Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH)


AAH advocates for innovations in design that help improve healthcare, works with allied organizations and shares the latest research through webinars, conferences, and publications.



  1. Educate
    a. Provide education opportunities to create urgency around the importance of diversity.
    b. Help members discover how to convert equitable practices into design principles that benefit the experience of the built environment for all identities.
  1. Foster Communication
    a. Provide resources to spark conversations within firms, between individuals, in the community, and across disciplines.
    b. Help members question norms by providing tools to disrupt the profession and practice
    c. Be a source of current, national and local conversations
  2. Listen and Learn
    a. Provide a platform for listening and learning
    b. Continue research efforts by collecting/synthesizing hard data, seek trends, and uncover barriers for all identities


have the application linked

info for Liaisons to distribute

like a landing page for the current liaisons and resource for those interested


Chair: Rob Hamby, AIA
Board Liason: Trip Hereford, AIA
Committee Members: Kate Esteller, Allied AIA; Patrick Kelley, Allied AIA; Taylor Kidwell, AIA; Paul Law, AIA; Carla Medlin; Taylor Wells, AIA

Become a Partner

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AIA MID TN Resources


Community and Industry Resources

  • other nonprofits doing this work, both locally and nationally
  • individuals (speakers, architects) who advocate for this work
  • AIA National AAH website

Upcoming Events

march, 2025

Contact AIA Middle Tennessee

Need more information or have a question or concern regarding Equity Diversity and Inclusion? Contact us today and a member of our team will respond in a timely manner.