
A productive, diverse, culturally competent, and engaged workforce is essential to the future of the architecture profession. To foster this outcome, the AIA will broaden its view of the opportunities and challenges related to workforce development, and provide a more cohesive and structured approach to identify key catalysts in the areas of market demand, employment capacity, education, work experience, compensation, on-the-job training, career outlook, and organizational culture.

Risk Strategies

Each year, in partnership with AIA Middle TN, Risk Strategies, presents an all-day seminar on legal issues and risks in the construction field, and how to best mitigate those risks. The seminars are typically held in December. If you have any questions regarding the Annual Risk Strategies Roadshow, please contact us.

University Relations

AIA is dedicated to promoting the accountability of schools offering professional degree programs in architecture for better preparing their students to become architects upon graduation.

Job Board

Have an opening at your Firm? Looking to hire qualified talent in Middle Tennessee? All AIA Middle Tennessee members are given complimentary job postings to the AIA Middle Tennessee Job Board. The majority of your firm leaders must be members of AIA to post for free.


Looking for work?  We often get calls from firms looking to hire from the resumes that we have on hand at the office.  See current job listings below. For non-local opportunities, please submit to the AIA Career Center.

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