04 Apr AIA Middle TN Members Advocate for the Architecture Profession
AIA Middle TN Members have been busy advocating for the Architecture Profession this spring!
Several members recently participated in both the National AIA Lobby Day and the AIA Tennessee Day on the Hill events. These events provide architect members with a platform to directly advocate for legislation affecting the architecture profession before federal members of Congress, State Representatives, and Senators.
AIA members are a powerful voice for the values they uphold in their practices every day. As natural facilitators and problem-solvers, architects stand ready to support new policies that create a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable society.
Architects from across the state of Tennessee met at the State Capitol to speak with a unified voice on matters related to architecture and Tennessee’s built environment.
Members met with State Representatives and Senators to offer advice on several issues, such as thanking their elected officials for supporting the profession through increased support of capital improvements and maintenance projects.
AIA Lobby Day highlighted two bipartisan pieces of legislation:
The Democracy In Design Act would ensure that communities across the country maintain a voice in the design of federal buildings consistent with their preferences, topographies, and design traditions. Although Congress has not yet introduced a bill version for the Democracy In Design Act in the 118th Congress, the previous version of the bill from the 117th Congress can be found here as H.R. 5291.
The Resilient AMERICA Act would make significant changes to the federal government’s ability to prepare communities for future natural disaster events by:
- increasing funding for FEMA’s pre-disaster mitigation grant program (the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Program)
- supporting additional BRIC Programs set aside funding for resilient building code adoption and implementation.
- The Resilient AMERICA Act is also pending reintroduction for the 118th The bill’s previous version from the 117th Congress can be found here as H.R. 5689.
Why does design freedom matter to architects?
No design style is inherent, more or less valuable than any other. AIA stands firmly against any federal mandate on architectural design.
Why do more resilient buildings matter to architects?
Reflected in both the AIA’s Policy Platform and Strategic Plan, AIA is committed to supporting federal policies that deliver climate action. Improving building and community resilience to future climate-related natural disaster threats is a critical component of AIA’s goal.
For more information or to get more engaged in these efforts, please email us at hello@aiamidtn.org.