july, 2020

15jul6:00 pm8:00 pmFeaturedSocially Conscious Design 101 (SCD101)


Event Details

A course by the Design Center focused on the basics of city and neighborhood design, and on Nashville’s history and future trajectory.


Socially conscious design is a method of design that improves inclusiveness, equity, and quality of life in addition to the aesthetics of the design. Socially conscious designs are more accessible, nondiscriminatory, emphasize civic engagement, and address local needs and concerns. The approach to socially conscious designs looks at designs that can help solve problems and bring awareness to issues that are often overlooked.


Socially Conscious Design 101 (SCD101) is an online continuing education course presented by the Nashville Civic Design Center in partnership with AIA Middle Tennessee, running for eight consecutive Wednesdays in the spring & summer of 2020.

SCD101 is a refreshed version of the Design Center’s popular and impactful Urban Design 101 course that was established in 2001. The new course will promote the exchange of ideas between professionals engaged in the redevelopment of Nashville’s urban fabric.

SCD101 participants will explore the challenges and opportunities that have arisen from rapid growth, and the multiple ways in which effective community involvement can impact urban design issues through discussion, lectures and articles.


Course Schedule

June 10th – History of Urban Planning, Policy and Design, and the Development of Nashville

An introductory session and overview of the history of urban design and city development, policy and design decisions that have both positively and negatively impacted cities across the US. We will examine Nashville and the Middle Tennessee Region’s growth over time.

Guest Lecturers:

Bill Purcell: Attorney at Law, Former Mayor of Nashville, Former Member of the Tennessee House of Representatives

Dr. Kimberly Triplett: Associate Professor, Urban Studies, Department of Social Work and Urban Studies

This session will address the following questions and topics.

What is Urban Planning? Why is Urban Planning important? Most importantly, what can we do to correct environmental and social injustices related to Urban Planning? Planning and policy decisions over 100 years ago shaped the standard “American” city, and many communities were left out of the conversation. Using Nashville as a case study, we will review the city’s history post-Civil War and how it has evolved. We will then review how Nashville was affected after it moved to a Metro County form of government and what that meant for large scale planning changes thereafter. We will also consider how engaging the community affects planning today.

June 17th – Creating a Vision, Planning for the Future and Promoting Equity in Development Practice

A major component of urban design is creating plans and visions to inform the direction of cities and regions and the ways in which those plans are implemented. Participants will learn about the concepts of participatory urban planning and community design through public engagement. This session will also focus on some of Nashville’s recent vision planning efforts, including AIA’s RUDAT process, The Plan of Nashville, and opportunities for more equitable planning, design and development practices for the future.

Guest Lecturers:

Tequila Johnson: Co-Founder and Executive Director, The Equity Alliance

Carol Pedigo: Hon. AIA, Executive Director, AIA Middle Tennessee

Joel Mills: Senior Director, Center for Communities by Design The American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Valerie Franklin: Moody Nolan Architects, and President of National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), Nashville Chapter

This session will address the following questions and topics.

What is visioning planning?

June 24th – Transportation and Land Use Design at the Regional Scale

Focusing on transportation within Nashville and its greater environs, this session will explore NCDC’s publication, Moving Tennessee Forward as a model for connecting communities – as well as planning initiatives over the past decade that have attempted to address our rapidly expanding regional growth across the 10-county region. Transit Oriented Development (TOD’s), regional commute modes, traffic demand management, and new technologies will also be explored as Middle Tennessee continues to plan for the future.

Guest Lecturers:

Tara Green: Principal, Program Development, OJB Landscape Architecture

James Burnett: FASLA, President, OJB Landscape Architecture

Michael Skipper: Executive Director, Greater Nashville Regional Council

This session will address the following questions and topics.

The unprecedented scale and scope of the global pandemic has put the design and structure of cities in the spotlight. Access to green and open space for our physical and mental well-being is more important than ever, and the impact of reducing vehicular traffic is reaping air quality benefits across the globe. We have a unique opportunity to replan our public realm, rebalancing human health and equity with essential infrastructure. Many cities across the US are faced with the decision of repairing or replacing old highways. This critical juncture opens up opportunities for healthier and green infrastructure decisions, including capping and replacing elevated highways with parks and green space; healing neighborhoods bifurcated by highway construction; rerouting and replanning with better shared accommodation for cars, bicycles, and pedestrians; and ways of sharing infrastructure costs and uses in public-private partnerships. The reimagining of these highway landscapes is a critical element of the urban core and can be a blueprint for rebalancing their long-term health, equity, and economic vitality.

July 1st – Neighborhood Development and Design: Part 1

Learn the fundamentals of creating healthy neighborhoods, while examining transects zones, neighborhood forums and the NCDC initiatives: SHC (Shaping Healthy Communities,) NAT (Neighborhood Assessment Toolkit,) and DYN (Design Your Neighborhood). Participants will pick a project area of focus within their own neighborhoods to apply the DYN principles.

Guest Lecturers:

Tifinie Capehart: Land Use Consultant / Urban Studies Adjunct, TSU

Melody Gibson: Education Director, Civic Design Center

July 8th – Neighborhood Development and Design: Part 2

Explore growth and development within Nashville’s neighborhoods and how it has changed the face of our communities; topics discussed include historic preservation, affordability, and the impacts of displacement and homelessness.

Attendees will participate in the Game of Rent, created by Kelsey Oesmann.

Guest Lecturers:

Kelsey Oesmann: AIA, Design Initiatives Manager, Urban Housing Solutions

Brent Elrod: Director, Planning & Development, Urban Housing Solutions

Rev. Ingrid McIntyre: Co-Founder and Executive Director, Open Table Nashville

July 15th – Public Space & Placemaking: Part 1

Focusing on the importance of public space at the regional and city-wide level, this session will explore the necessity of placemaking, public art, greenways, collaborative partnerships, and open space planning.

Guest Lecturers:

Caroline Vincent: Executive Director, Metro Public Arts

Cindy Harrison: PLA, Assistant Director Metro Parks, Greenways and Open Space Division

July 22nd – Public Space & Placemaking: Part 2 – A New Park as a Centerpiece for Downtown

This week we will focus on public space at the block level where attendees will explore successful small urban spaces. This session will examine a real-life case study of Church Street Park, a public space previously proposed for removal and development; participants will explore options for this small urban pocket park. Participants will learn about Tactical URBanism Organizers (TURBO,) a Civic Design Center initiative promoting tactical urbanism within Nashville.

Guest Lecturers:

Eric Hoke: Design Director, Civic Design Center

Nina Coveney: Project Manager, Events Manager for Salesforce Park, Biederman Redevelopment Ventures

Ashley Bright: Consultant, Biederman Redevelopment Ventures

Richie Jones: Partner, HDLA

July 29th – Activism: Ways to Get Involved and Be Heard!

Participants will gain knowledge on ways to activate within their own neighborhoods and communities in Nashville. Course will close with presentations and reflections from participants about ideas they have for the city and filling out a TURBO work order, and the role that social media plays in urban planning, community engagement and activism.

Guest Lecturers:

Gary Gaston: CEO, Civic Design Center

Eric Hoke: Design Director, Civic Design Center




(Wednesday) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm